布拉格的不同建築 Architecture in Prague, Czech

3 min readAug 11, 2018


去歐洲很多時都會看建築,最容易認的是又高又尖的教堂、通常是哥德式,其實還有很多式,來之前我通通都唔識。既然一場來到,不如認真看一下,故此我看了參考書,並在布拉格現場找出不同風格的經典建築。歐洲不同時期都有不同的建築風格,好像是羅馬式、哥德式、文藝復興、及巴洛克時期的建築。難得的是,單是在捷克的布拉格,便能看到四種建築風格的代表作,特別是在布拉格城堡 (Prague Castle)。

羅馬式流行於 10–11世紀,布拉格最細緻的羅馬式建築是布拉格城堡的聖佐治大教堂,內部展現厚重的牆和平實的柱子、拱形的天花、細小的門,以及頂部有半圓形拱門的窗。

Romanesque 10th-11th centuries, Prague’s finest Romanesque structure: Bascilica of St. George at Prague Castle, interior exhibits the heavy walls and plain columns, barrel-vaulted ceilings, and small doors and windows with semicircular arches that typify the Romanesque style.

聖佐治大教堂 — photo by Stella Choy
聖佐治大教堂 — photo by Stella Choy
聖佐治大教堂 — photo by Stella Choy

哥德式建築於 13–16 世紀在布拉格興旺,較薄的牆和較高的拱形天花。特徵是高、尖的的拱門、有稜紋的拱頂及柱子,外面飛出來的拱壁,以及長、窄的窗,窗有複雜精細的花飾窗格來承托彩色玻璃。

捷克的哥德式建築在查理斯四世統治期間特別興旺。其中最為人所認識的是布拉格城堡的St. Vitus 座堂。

Gothic, flourished in Prague from 13th to 16th centuries, thinner walls and higher vaults. Characterized by tall, pointed arches, ribbed vaults and columns, external flying buttresses (to support the weight transmitted from the ribbed vaults) and tall, narrow windows with intricate tracery supporting great expanses of stained glass.
Czech Gothic architecture thrived during the rule of Charles IV. Best known: St. Vitus Cathedral at Prague Castle.

St. Vitus 座堂 — photo by Stella Choy
St. Vitus 座堂 — photo by Stella Choy


當 Habsburgs 家族在16世紀初取得波希米亞統治權時,他們邀請了意大利設計師及建築師到布拉格。那些意大利大人為布拉格的建築帶來新元素,他們極其注重優雅、對稱及生氣勃勃的裝飾。安娜皇后的寢宫 (Queen Anna’s Summerhouse) 是布拉格最純正的文藝復興建築,於 1538–1560 年期間興建,按 Paolo della Stella 的設計而做 (同我的名字一樣!),由建築師 Wohlmut 完成。

Renaissance, when the Habsburgs took over the Bohemian throne in the early 16th century they invited Italian designers and architects to Prague. The Italians brought a new enthusiasm for classical forms, an obsession with grace and symmetry and a taste of exuberant decoration.
The mixture of local and Italian styles gave rise to a distinctive ‘’Bohemian Renaissance” style, featuring heavy ornamental stucco decorations and paintings of historical or mythical scenes. Sgraffito was used to create patterns and pictures by scraping through an outer layer of pale plaster to reveal a darker surface underneath.
The Letohradek (Queen Anna’s Summerhouse, or Belvedere, in the gardens to the north of Prague Castle. The puriest Renaissance architecture in Prague. Built in 1538–1560 according to the design of Paolo della Stella, finished by architect Wohlmut.

安娜皇后的寢宫 — photo by Stella Choy


巴洛克式建築在 1618–48 年流行於布拉格,大理石圓柱、華麗的雕刻、水風筒 the öeil 繪畫、充滿曲線及鵝卵形的鍍金裝飾。代表作有聖尼古拉斯教堂。

Baroque, 1618–48, marble columns, florid sculpture, trompe l’öeil paintings, frescoed ceilings and rich, gilded ornamentation full of curves and ovals. The most famous one is Church of St. Nicholas.

聖尼古拉斯教堂 — photo by Stella Choy


Ginger and Fred 是一間保險公司 National Nederlanden 的辦公室,於1995年由建築師Gehry and Milunic 建造,己成為布拉格的摩登地標。適逢它在我們住處附近,我們便步行往參觀,看上去好像沒有直線,果然像在跳舞的建築。
Modern architecture Dancing Building Ginger and Fred (tančící dům) –by architect Gehry and Milunic, was built in 1995 for Dutch insurance company, National Nederlanden.

Dancing Building Ginger and Fred — photo by Stella Choy

Reference: Lonely Planet



